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The Holy Fair (第2/5页)
to spend an hour in daffin:
gin ye'll go there, yon runkl'd pair,
we will get famous laughin
at them this day.”
h i, “wi' a' my heart, i'll do't;
i'll get my sunday's sark on,
a you on the holy spot;
faith, we'se hae fine remarkin!”
then i gaed hame at crowdie-time,
an' soon i made me ready;
for roads were clad, frae side to side,
wi' mony a weary body
in droves that day.
here farmers gash, in ridin graith,
gaed hoddin by their cotters;
there swankies young, in braw braid-claith,
are springing owre the gutters.
the lasses, skelpin barefit, thrang,
in silks an' scarlets glitter;
wi' sweet-milk cheese, in mony a whang,
an' farls, bak'd wi' butter,
fu' crump that day.
when by the plate we set our nose,
weel heaped up wi' ha'pence,
a greedy glowr black-bohrows,
an' we maun draw our tippence.
then in we go to see the show:
on ev'ry side they're gath'rin;
some carrying dails, some chairs an' stools,
an' some are busy bleth'rin
right loud that day.
here stands a shed to fend the show'rs,
an' s our tra gentry;
there racer jess, an' twa-three whores,
are blinkin at the entry.
here sits a raw o' tittlin jads,
wi' heaving breast an' bare neck;
an' there a batch o' wabster lads,
blackguarding frae kilmarnock,
for fun this day.
here, some are thinkin on their sins,
an' some upo' their claes;
ane curses feet that fyl'd his shins,
anither sighs an' prays:
on this hand sits a chosen swatch,
wi' screwed-up, grace-proud faces;
on that a set o' chaps, at watch,
thrang winkin on the lasses