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A Winter Nigh (第3/3页)
mark maiden-innoce a prey
to love-pretending snares:
this boasted honour turns away,
shunning soft pity's rising sway,
regardless of the tears and unavailing pray'rs!
perhaps this hour, in misery's squalid ,
she strains your infant to her joyless breast,
and with a mother's fears shrinks at the rog blast!
“oh ye! who, sunk in beds of down,
feel not a want but what yourselves create,
think, for a moment, on his wretched fate,
whom friends and fortune quite disown!
ill-satisfy'd keen nature's clamorous call,
stretch'd on his straw, he lays himself to sleep;
while through the ragged roof and ky wall,
chill, o'er his slumbers, piles the drifty heap!
think on the dungeon's grim fine,
where guilt and poor misfortune pine!
guilt, erring maing view,
but shall thy legal rage pursue
the wretch, already crushed low
by cruel fortune's undeserved blow?
affli's sons are brothers in distress;
a brother to relieve, how exquisite the bliss!”
i heard nae mair, for ticleer
shook off the pouthery snaw,
and hail'd the m with a cheer,
a cottage-rousing craw.
but deep this truth impress'd my mind—
thro' all his works abroad,
the heart benevolent and kind
the most resembles god.